Last night was the first night I've been alone in the trailer overnight. It's a strange feeling, not necessarily scary, just odd. It's not the same as spending a night alone in your house, in a neighborhood. I've been here long enough to feel safe, but I still lock the door and I keep the Glock with me. I did that at the house too, it's just habit.
Since we're pulling out early tomorrow morning I have buttoned up as much of the RV as I can. Tomorrow we only have to disconnect the water, electric, and camp cable, then pull the slides in, stow the plants, and off we go. If we still have to do all that, you're probably wondering what I did that deserves mentioning... I disconnected the sewer line, put away our satellite and two of the cables, brought the bicycle inside, and stowed everything in the RV so the slides can be closed.
Earlier I got into a fight with the RV and the RV drew blood... I was trying to use the built-in sewer tank flush, but it wasn't cooperating. I couldn't get the hose screwed in. At one point the nozzle got stuck and I couldn't get it loose. I decided to give it a rest and go do something else, and when I closed the door I realized both my index fingers were bleeding from some papercut type slits. Eventually I won... eventually I always win... Then I remembered that the clear connector we got that goes from the RV to the hose, has a flush nozzle. It was much easier. So I emptied the black tank and flushed it... and flushed it... and flushed it... and flushed it... every time I thought I was done, more stuff would come out. After about 20 minutes of flushing and flushing I decided it was clean enough, closed the valve and emptied the grey tanks. Even though it wasn't quite five yet, it gets dark early out here and I needed to be able to see. Mike usually takes care of the sewer hoses, which I appreciate, so this was really the first time I've ever dealt with them on my own. I didn't have any mishaps, so I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out. We've gotten into a groove where I take care of the inside, and he takes care of the outside, and that speeds things up.
Mike pulled an all-nighter last night, finally grabbing a hotel room in the wee hours. I was trying to wait up for him so I stayed up until about 4, but when he told me he wouldn't be coming home I gave in and went to bed. So I slept until noon. Which means my sleep schedule is going to be off again... I just got back on track. Tomorrow is going to be somewhat painful if we leave as early as I think we will, but then that all depends on when Mike finishes up tonight. He's like I used to be... intent on finishing something no matter how long it takes, so he's out there by himself and his teammates have gone off to do other things because they have places to be. So do we...