We have recovered from our disasters, at least for now - and the world didn't end today... something I'm not sure how to feel about, sometimes I think it would be better if we got to start over, but I digress.
We picked the truck up this afternoon. It was down to the wire. It went from, "It should be ready Wednesday by lunch... possibly Thursday morning," to "We're trying to have it ready for you for the weekend." We decided they probably closed at 5 pm, so we headed to Athens, pinning our hopes on them having it ready. They closed at 5:30... I think we checked out at 5:23, and $1,200 later, we drove off. I suppose I should stop grousing and focus on the positives, we have the truck and will be able to head to MS where we plan to celebrate Christmas. But can I talk a second about the traffic? Hot damn there is a lot of traffic in Athens. And while I'm at it, driving to the Atlanta airport was no bed of roses either, and if it hadn't been Mike... forget about it.
Our receptacle and cord were replaced a couple of days ago. $700, but I think our insurance covers it and our deductible should be $250. The microwave never came back on and I think our washer/dryer was damaged. It works, but something smells hot, and I'll be damned if I saved the RV from burning down because of the cord, only to have it burn down because of the washer/dryer. Once we get settled into another RV park for a while I'm going to set up a time for an adjustor to come out.
Christmas is going to be lean this year. I got small gifts for mom and dad, and small gifts for Mike, a gift card for grandma (sounds like a movie title doesn't it... "A gift card for grandma"). That's it. Other than that, we're bringing food to Christmas Eve.
On the other hand, our friends have been really good to us and I have cried a couple of times because of their generosity. One of my friends is sending us a goody box of wine. One of my friends offered to let us stay at her house rather than remain in the RV. One of my friends offered me a spa day or a trip to India to meet up with her or a flight to MS to see my cousin. One of my friends was thinking of coming to MS to see us. And one of my friends would have driven here from Tennessee to come get me if I was stuck. How awesome is that? It's gestures like that that keep us going.
And is it weird that I want to see the new Tom Cruise movie? I don't want to like him, but dammit I can't help myself... his movies are good.