I've been working on the first two books, creating a Facebook page, a website and a blog. So I've been pretty busy the last couple of days. I'm not nearly done but I guess in a lot of ways I'm close. I hope to launch everything in the next 30 days or so. With any luck my timing will be good, I'll catch the eyes of the right people, word will spread and that'll be that - the next 50 Shades of Gray... for kids. :) I suppose there are similarities... dog collars and such... hahaha, I've never actually read the series, it was tempting until I read the reviews and then I wondered how it was so successful if everybody hated it... and I decided to wait for the movie.
So here is the website still a work in progress: Click here
You can access the blog from the website, but to make it easy, this is the link to my first post: Click here
This is the Facebook page: Click here
And I'm working on Good Reads and Pinterest pages but I have to be published to get an Author's page on Good Reads. I'll also need to write an Author's Profile for Amazon when I upload the book. And then I'll start working on the other ten books. Are you tired? I'm tired.
These are the covers I worked up. I admit I'm not the best cover artist in the world but for what I had to work with, and my abilities, I'm a little proud. The background for the first cover is supposed to suggest a cage, the second one is a messy room with toys everywhere.
The stories are pretty much written and edited, I am just adding pictures at this point and doing some formatting.
I alternate between proud and excited, to anxious and doubtful. But I guess that's the life of a writer. At least I have friends and family to keep me motivated or sometimes I might walk away from it because it's scary to do this. But at the same time, I have to try.