Mike worked on the truck and Bo was inside with me... 98% of the time he is adorable and well behaved. Today was the other 2%. It was a gorgeous day so he wanted to be outside running around, but we still don't have a fence so I can't just let him run as he pleases, every time we try to let him have some leeway, he runs up the road and doesn't come back until he's good and ready. It's too dangerous for him to be on the road because people don't slow down, and there are other dogs out sometimes... never know how that will go. He was pacing and whining at the window... pacing and whining. I'd take him outside, he wouldn't do anything. And then, I found puddles. After seemingly finding our groove, the last couple of days we've had issues again and I JUST mopped yesterday. So I took him outside and put him on the leash out there with Mike and got dressed to go out.
Long story short, I had something of a Ya-Ya moment and needed to get out of the house, so I went for a drive. I don't really get much opportunity to just leave without being on the clock as it were. When Mike and I leave together, Bo goes in the basement and it's either been cold and I worry about him being warm, or we're gone for a while and I worry he might run out of water... it's just always kind of hanging over me that we need to pay attention to the time. Not to mention that he hates the basement and I don't blame him. In general I'm a homebody so it doesn't bother me, but every once in a while I just want to escape. Mike has search and rescue to get him out of the house... he goes hunting... I don't have anything. No respite, no friends to call, as much as I love it here, sometimes I feel trapped. And as much as I love spending time with Mike, I occasionally want to run around on my own and be selfish, to shirk responsibility and just go and have me-time outside of the house. So I did. I drove around the area and explored. I considered a trip to Murfreesboro or Lebanon but decided to just see what's around here... honestly I haven't really explored near the house. I have about 20 minutes of time that I can leave Bo in the house without coming home to a mess, so I usually only have time to run to the bank or the local grocery store.
It's interesting that I didn't use my GPS to guide me but ultimately ended up making a large circle. Well, circles within a circle. There's some really nice stuff and some really crappy stuff out there. Ultimately the ride did what I needed it to do, it relaxed me and gave me a break and I came home in a better mood.
I've been stressed lately. Part of it is life in general, part of it is the clutter as we remodel. I am not good with clutter. I can stand it for a day or two, but after that it wears on me, and the longer it's there, the worse my mood gets. I'm ready to get stuff where it needs to be and frustrated that I can't make it go faster.
Last night's moon. Harvest moon? Was huge, but even with my new lens I couldn't get close enough.
Messy bird knocking all the seed out of the bird feeder.
Camo barn.
Sunset mode on the camera. Makes it more vivid. It was pretty vivid on its own but not quite so electric.
I have bad days like today but most days I can find something to be excited about. Yesterday I got my seeds planted and into the greenhouse, I dusted our room, I mopped most of the house, I finished the laundry I'd bagged up... yesterday was alright as far as days go. Maybe tomorrow will be alright, too.