Sent Mike off today. I hate these days in so many ways... the dreading of it, how it casts a pall over the last few days we have together as we steel ourselves for yet another separation, the bittersweet last embraces, me attempting to hold back tears (and not very well I might add), the long drive to the airport and back, saying goodbye, coming home to an empty house, the point when his shirts stop smelling like him so I finally give in and wash them. I'm glad this is the last time. In four months he'll be home for good. This time was particularly difficult for me. I know going back is even harder on him. In some ways I'm glad Monday is a holiday, in other respects work keeps me busy... it's part of the routine and it might have been better if it wasn't a holiday.
Speaking of busy, the enormity of what needs to happen in the coming months is starting to weigh on me. Now that we've seen the land and done the up front legwork we have to start coordinating everything, not just on the land, but I need to start packing the house in earnest and get it on the market. In addition, I still have that damn truck to deal with, we're still fighting with the IRS, and now I have to start getting 2011's tax information together. I just have to bite it off piece by piece and not let it overwhelm me, which is easier said than done.
It's 11:15 and I should be exhausted, but I'm wired and will probably be up until late into the night. Tomorrow I plan on tackling the closets... packing some of our things, transferring others to the fifth wheel. On Monday I need to see about renting a small storage unit to stash the boxes so the house won't seem so cluttered. Right now I feel like a box hoarder... I hate clutter so it's really wigging me out.
Yipes!... That 'if they can read it' comment referred to my horrible handwriting, please don't take it any other way!