Doom, despair, and agony on me... deep dark depression, excessive misery... if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all... doom, despair, and agony on me. (thank you Ron)
I'm not laughing anymore when it suddenly pops into my head. In the past year it feels like we've dealt with nothing problems:
- Mike was in Afghanistan for a year, and I was here worrying about him. Both sides of that story sucked. 'Nuff said.
- We believed people were basically honest, bought a truck, it was a stinky turd, so we hired an awesome attorney, got the money back that we paid for the truck, but lost about $3k in other expenses.
- Mike had gallbladder surgery.
- We have been fighting the IRS for almost a year now. They recently levied our accounts. We're paying two attorneys to fight them. That is not cheap and it is not convenient either.
- We bought another truck, that while basically good, had a nav system that didn't work, had rails in the back that were hidden under a drop-in bedliner (luckily that was okay), and now has a cracked oil pan we're having repaired... possibly under warranty. Probably nothing earth shattering, but it's bad timing.
- Whoever replaced the handlebars on Mike's motorcycle basically cut away so much metal that there was no structural integrity left. And the rough edges were cutting through the control wires. It took 3-4 days of working on it to make it functional... there was stress.
- The guy who changed the tires out on Mike's motorcycle has apparently never heard of LocTite, so by the time he arrived in Austin (about 3-1/2 hours of riding)... his brake caliper wasn't bolted to anything and he had no back brakes. When people try to send my husband to an early grave I get annoyed.
- We bought a hitch that our installer told us wouldn't work with our truck, the manufacturer says it will, we were going to attempt to have that installed by an RV shop this week... except the truck is in the shop... see above.
- We need to have our self-leveling jacks looked at because only one of them stays down and there was hydraulic fluid on the pavement, but we can't tow it in for repairs until we get the hitch put in, and we can't put the hitch in until we have the truck back, and the truck won't be back until the oil pan is replaced... shit really does roll downhill.
- We need to be out of our house by June 1st. Today is May 9th. Ask me how that's going.
- Once we're out we will be living in the 5th wheel... would like to be moving things in now, but the battery that works the slides has pooped out and the RV needs repairs... do the whole House That Jack Built thing with the 5th wheel, the hitch, the truck and so on...
- We need to have a place to put our stuff, that means our building needs to be put up. Called the guy that leveled our land and he gave our number to two people he knows... it's been a week, they have yet to call. Business must be good. My cousin is now on the case. My cousin is wonderful. He IS a concrete angel.
- My mother-in-law is a wonderful person. I haven't been part of the family for long, but I know that I am seriously lucky to have her in my life and I fell in love with her very early on. She was recently diagnosed with a serious illness and it is very upsetting to me... as you may imagine, it's even more upsetting to her children. She is a fighter so we're hoping for the best, but it is not going to be easy on anyone.
- We are planning a farewell party... with everything else that is going on it is the least important thing we're doing, but since we didn't have a wedding reception, and we're moving out of state I want to see friends and family and mark the occasion. In some ways it is very important because it's a much needed break. This is easier said than done, partially because we have no house to host it in. Someone has offered, I need to make sure she knows what she's getting into. ;P
- I tried to be proactive and get our mail situation taken care of... can't get a 911 address until we can come in to the office to apply for it. Can't have mail forwarded to our property because we have no 911 address. Can't rent a PO Box from the local post office until we can come in to the office to apply for it in person. Game. Set. Match. We lose.
- Had to replace my roof. Add $5k to my credit card debt. No one wanted to buy my house so we are renting it out. Yes that is positive, but I would have preferred to sell it and be done and have the cash in-hand. That said, our property management company is wonderful, if you have a house in the Houston are to rent out I highly recommend them.
- There are a couple of things that I'm not mentioning. Trust me, they add to the stress.
It's not all bad, there are good things here and there. As usual, when there are bad times I realize we have the best family and friends in the universe. I love my husband to bits. I have most everything I want in the world. Sometimes it just gets to be a little much... even if someone has it worse (and someone always does), that still doesn't mean things don't get to the ones who seemingly have it good. We just need to catch a break.
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