Anyone else watch Mountain Men? I think it's an interesting show. It showcases three different families living in a primitive manner. My favorite is Eustace who lives in North Carolina. His family pretty much lives off the land, I guess they all do, there is just something about him that I like better than the others, I suppose it's a calmness about him and a larger support system. In a lot of ways I would like to live they way he does... not bothering anyone, kind of doing my own thing and living off the land with friends and family along for the ride. I told Mike the other day, it's a shame that we have to go out into the world to make a living these days... in the not too distant past, it was enough for people to raise their own livestock, grow their own gardens, and trade for things they needed, but they primarily supported themselves. These days there isn't much choice. Even if you got yourself completely out of debt you still have to pay taxes and medical bills... there's no way to really get by without money. And most people don't want to put any effort into living, so it's a way of life that is dying out. It's kind of a shame.
Another show I am (surprisingly) fascinated by, is Meet the Hudderites. I guess I think it's interesting when someone can stick so steadfastly to their beliefs in today's society. Although I feel like they're a little looser about things, or they wouldn't be cursing, and they wouldn't be on tv. They're like Amish-lite. But again... they live in a manner that appeals to me... farming, hunting, etc.
At this point all I want is a place to call our own, time to put in a garden, some chickens, goats and a mini-moo cow... a horse would be cool, and some wolfdogs. That's about it...
One correction: Rocky- He's a Maltese (and they're hypoallergenic too!) Sooo....... ummmm... ok.