Sunday, August 19, 2012

0069 - Wau-CHU-la

So here we are in sunny/rainy/sunny Wauchula... the daily rain showers continue to make it very sauna-like outside.

As usual, we're learning as we go along... we apparently needed to ask certain questions about our cabin... and I was so happy to have a place to stay that I did not think to ask them... Such as...

  • Is the bed at least queen-sized? We ended up with a full-sized brick that we now have two egg crate cushions on and it is barely comfortable.
  • Does it have internet access? No, it does not. Thank goodness for mobile hotspots. I have reactivated mine... Otherwise, you have to go to the office to get the internet.
  • Does it look like the type of place where you might check out a dvd from the office, there are a bunch of random images that flash across the screen, and once it finishes, you get a creepy phone call that whispers " days..." and then people start looking all smeary when someone takes a photo of them but by the time the week is over they're dead? Yeah, it kinda does... except you can't borrow a dvd from the office. (referencing The Ring, if it wasn't clear)
  • Might there be alligators on the property? There might. There damn sure are mosquitos. The mosquitos are epic. One almost flew away with me the other night. Or maybe that was one of the thousands of vultures. Did you know that vultures love oranges? Apparently they do.
  • Is your cat going to keep you up all night letting you know about all the raccoons, squirrels, stray cats and other night creatures outside the windows? Unfortunately so.
This is not what we had envisioned. Having seen the cabins at our Home Park, we thought we were getting a light-filled living room with a large television, a full kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom and a loft. Something with a small porch and lots of windows. Something that doesn't make you want to cry unless it is out of sheer happiness that your cabin is so cool. The first cabin they put us in was horrible, it was like an efficiency with wooden walls, so small we felt claustrophobic. At least this one is more spacious, but my fantasies about baking biscuits for breakfast and trying my hand at baking Cuban bread flew right out the window as soon as I saw the hot plates. Yes. Hot plates.

My computer screen is as big as our tv.

I am not amused.

The park wouldn't be bad if we were in our RV, it's quaint, it has trees and trails, the kind of things we like in a park. The town is small, I joke that it's WauCHUla - bless you (cuz I say it like a sneeze), and if you sneeze, you've missed it. And by the way, if you clicked on that link THOSE CABINS ARE NOT AT ALL LIKE THE ONE WE'RE STAYING IN.  Thankyouverymuch.

The 5'er will be in the shop for a minimum of two weeks if they can repair the fiberglass in sections, possibly a little less depending on the work load. If the whole ass end of the 5'er needs to be replaced, we could be looking at a month because they have to order that from Forest River and then it has to be shipped here. We already miss having our stuff with us and our own familiar space. And now we also have to figure out how to handle the family reunion at the end of the month... whether we drive down and drive back, or if Mike flies out by himself, or if we rent an RV... This sucks. Maybe we'll get lucky and they can spot repair the back and everything will run ahead of schedule. Surely we are owed some good luck for a change...

So in other news... after we dropped the RV off at Lazy Days, we had lunch at the Cracker Barrel just outside the gate. There was this little old lady who was having problems walking. She had a cane, but she was trying to carry a to-go box and a drink, so she wasn't using it, and her knee kept giving out. I felt bad for her so I helped her to her car... she almost fell at least five times... she had a granddaughter sleeping in the car - not a kid, someone close to my age... How the hell do you leave your grandma in the restaurant and go sleep in the car if you know she's that frail? And when we got to the car she didn't even get out, she just sat there and watched. People need to start acting right... she's everything that is wrong with this country.

We got to meet up with one of Mike's buddies this afternoon. He flew in from Miami to visit with us which was really nice of him to do. Really cool guy, he gave Mike a hard time and that's always fun for me to watch as I'm rarely able to get one over on him myself... I married a smartie and a smartass, it's an unfortunate mix sometimes, but he keeps me on my toes for sure. After that we went to Charlotte's Web (if you click on the site be aware that it has sound) and had a couple of bloody marys... the drink that is also a snack. It was the best BM I've ever had... hahaha. They put horseradish in it and garnished it with a pepperoncini and an olive. We smell like smoke now and I can barely stand myself... but it was a fun place, cool people, and the BM's were only $2/ea.

So tomorrow we'll probably visit a local bike shop... find a winery... there is a castle in the area... and there is a wildlife refuge in the area that we're going to attempt to visit (they only give tours twice a month so it depends on our luck). I don't know, but Florida makes me tired... I didn't used to be able to sleep past 7 or 8 am... now I'm lucky to get my ass out of my before 10 or 11 am. Mike is an early riser so he is very patient with me, and sometimes I get breakfast out of the deal. :)


A black swan. For real, none of that ballerina bullshit.

Peace River. Now sing that to the tune of Moon River and you are privy to my private hell.

Eek! Alligator! Oh. Hello Mr. Lizard.

If this doesn't give you a warm fuzzy, I don't think you're capable of human emotion.

Kinda looks like a quilt patter in the sky. Hello Nancy!

Attack of the yellow butterflies.

Cool flower ball Mike found.

It's weird to me to run across a forest of palm trees.


Looking up a palm tree. And so the series of palm tree photographs I began in the early 2000's finally regains momentum...

Bunny rabbit!

Is it just me or does this tree remind anyone else of that demented bunny from Donnie Darko?

But the back is even cooler.

Angel hair.

Pretty hawks. We see them flying by all the time. Mike finally caught them on film.

A cardinal flirted with me.

We have critters in our cabin. Or perhaps we are bored. Anyway... there is a parrot...

... a goose looking up at the sky...

... and a squirrel... and I swear there is also a bass, but when I photographed him, he didn't look much like a fish after all...

Vulture anyone?

Mmmmm... dead armadillo... it's what's for dinner.

Colin coming in for a landing.

When did we start hanging out with tall people?

Do you really want to go here for service?

Florida hates white people... cracker hunts? Really? It's almost as funny as The Cracker Plantation Restaurant... I don't make this stuff up, I really don't...

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