Monday, December 3, 2012

102 - Ho Ho... Hum...

Another beautiful day in Georgia. Looking like it might rain before the day is out, but it's still nice out and I have the windows open to let the fresh air in. I always love it when I can open the windows.

Started reading a new book last night. Couldn't get into the new JK Rowling. It wasn't bad, I just wasn't in the mood for it... the tone is so different from Harry Potter and I haven't quite found the purpose of the story. It's very disjointed. Maeve Binchy and Pat Conroy do something similar... introduce a lot of characters, tell their stories and start weaving them together. It can be magical. There are just too many characters in this book to weave together, or at least not fast enough. And I don't really like most of the characters. So I'm back to old faithful, Anita Blake. Yea for vampires.

I'm in a relatively optimistic mood today. It's hard for me to wallow for long... not because I don't want to, but because I have to keep going and it's pointless to let life get me down. I guess I'm a fighter. And possibly an optimist. Who'da thunk it...? I have a husband that I am head over heels in love with, I'm able to see him almost every day, our bills are getting paid, and we have food in our bellies. I realize that while our life has been rough for the last several months, we have endured. Even through the hard times, we have it better than some.

Still upset about the house, but mom gave me a good suggestion and I'm having Hannah check into it. You never know.

We're pulling up stakes in the morning and moving to another campground that's closer to the sites Mike will be working on for the next few days. It's only a couple of hours from here so at least it's not another long drive. I'm having another mail shipment sent. It's hard to get mail sent when you aren't at a park for more than a couple of days at a time. Mail is like Christmas to me... it's something mysterious to open, and contact with the outside world. Plus we have a couple of checks coming our way and that really is a gift.

And I might get to hang out with a friend this weekend. She recently moved to the Atlanta area. We're both kind of homesick, not for Houston, but for people. It will be nice to get out of the house and hang out with someone from back home. :)


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