The last few days we've kept a low profile, mostly due to my inability to be more than 15 minutes (if I was lucky) from the nearest available toilet. Good times. Last night was especially fun for me. If I never experience anything like that again I'll die a happy woman. You remember the house from Up? If the gas I was producing had been helium instead of some noxious form of methane, we would have been floating somewhere near Neptune. On the upside, not being able to sleep has enabled me to spend more time reading...
So, today was better. So far I haven't suffered an attack, and my stomach isn't distended nearly as bad. Night's not over yet. I'm watching a horrible movie, one of those gory, slasher flicks... one I call a torture fest... it makes me nervous, which is not good for the tummy. Not my cut of tea... I meant cup of tea and would normally correct that, but it was appropriately Freudian. In some ways I'm watching to see how the survivors avoided death... but, it's a movie... it doesn't go down like that in real life. In real life this movie would never have happened at my house... I would have shot the bastard. That applies to the first and second victim, who actually stood a chance... not the dog, the child or the girl who was kidnapped. Anyway... here's hoping it's almost over, he has a circular saw out now, and that's way beyond my comfort zone.
So I figure now is a good time to get back on my IBS regimen. I have been battling gut issues for the past few months and this recent bout of unpleasantness brought it to a head. I can't take it anymore. So back to the Heather's Tummy Fiber, and peppermint capsules. I also got some peppermint, and fennel, teas for Mike because his gut is still recovering from the gall bladder removal. The fiber helps give bulk to... things, and the peppermint oil helps with gas and bloating, so does the tea but I don't do tea.
Here's a segue for you... Last night as I went to fill the fresh water tank, and empty the black tank, I was being all vigilent and stuff... had the flashlight ready to shine if I heard movement... had my back to the RV so nothing sneaks up on me from behind... door flush with the side of the RV so I can see both sides... I stepped away to turn the water spigot off and when I came back to the control panel, here comes a kitty cat from underneath the RV... which was, only a moment ago, behind me... so much for vigilence. He seemed friendly, but I don't want to make friends with any stray cats so I just said hello and left it at that... then comes another cat to join the first. I squatted down to see how many more there were and saw a calico. Poor things, I felt bad for them... it wasn't raining or freezing last night, but they were obviously huddled under the RV to keep warm. The first cat was eyeing our storage compartment so I had to keep an eye on it, and when I went inside, it tried to follow me in. They were all still there this morning and will probably be with us until we leave. I wonder if they were dumped here. My heart breaks when I run across a stray, but there is nothing I can do short of telling the park about them.
Well... tomorrow we're hoping our truck will be ready and we can head out by Tuesday morning, so we will probably be celebrating NYE here at the park. We crazy. And you best believe we're going to grab some cabbage, some black-eyed peas, and some hog jowl to eat on New Year's Day. I'm going to have me a good 2013 y'all...
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