Thursday, January 17, 2013

118 - Pictionary

It's been such a merry-go-round of weather lately that there hasn't been much of anything going on except rain, wind, sleet, snow, mud and lots of television. Even now as I type this, the wind is having a field day with my awnings and the flag outside the lodge. They say it feels like 19 degrees outside, but unless my jacket is incredibly adept at keeping me warm, I would say it's warmer Then again, it snowed earlier, so I know it had to be below 32, and the heater has been kicking on pretty regularly... seems like every 10-15 minutes, and I have it on 67.

The repairs have been made to the RV so I have a microwave again, and the fridge is now running on electricity rather than LP. That's progress.

So instead of boring you with tales of dishes and laundry, I will bore you with pics I took, since that is my other entertainment.

Rammathorn, causing destruction everywhere he goes. The ground is so wet and spongy that just moving the truck causes ruts.

Pretty golden sun this afternoon.

It was so foggy out that my flashlight beam looked like a light saber.

So cold out that my windows are foggy, but it was kind of cool because this tree looked like the fog framed it.

Ice chip on the window from sleet this afternoon.

Water was sheeting down the window and it gave the view a cool effect.

Fog. Usually you can see the mountains behind the trees.

Sunset shining though the dew on the window.

Sun! On a tree.

Geez it's windy... like a tay in the win...

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