Wednesday, January 23, 2013

121 - Boredom does strange things to a person

Here's my big exciting moment for the day.


While the repair guy was fixing the shower, an old man came to the door, knocked and asked, "Is that man in there-a-fixin' yer RV?" (I'm not exaggerating his accent) Affirmative. "You mind if I come in and talk to him for a minute?"

I minded, but managed to restrain the urge to be sarcastic about it. I told him when the guy got off the phone I would have him come outside and talk to him. He truly seemed oblivious to the fact that people don't just walk into a person's home without an invitation. I'm not sure if he thought of it more as a vehicle than a home, or if he's just that innocent... regardless, I don't like strangers in my vehicle *cough* house.

Oh, and there was the bird who flew into the window... not once, but twice. It was more like he was fighting his reflection than a mishap because he didn't crash into it, he just bumped it with his beak. Too bad the repair guy was here, Gracie would have enjoyed it. Or maybe it's good that he was here since the screens are on the inside of the window and she probably would have been in trouble.

Taking good pics of yourself is harder than it sounds. For one thing, the arm you extend always manages to find its way into your photograph. Then there's the lighting, different angles are more or less flattering, sometimes you blink. Since the only way I have a clue where I'm aiming is by the reflection of the display in the bathroom mirror, there are also pesky toilet paper rolls to contend with... and sometimes toilets. I have to really play around with it to get a photo I'm happy with, and out of dozens, these are the two that made the cut.

This was going to be my Facebook profile picture, to show my support for the second amendment... alas Facebook foiled me, and I had to crop the picture so much that you couldn't even see my Glock. Note that my finger is *not* on the trigger like that idiot senator or congressman who pulled his stupid publicity stunt. That's because I know how to handle a firearm... and people who don't... shouldn't attempt to involve themselves in my affairs. Side rant: This quote pisses me off. Who is he to say our culture needs to be changed? New York is known for it's rudeness and grit. "“New York is a little different and more progressive in a lot of areas than some other states and some of the southern areas have cultures that we have to overcome,” Rangel told anchor Thomas Roberts, who asked if New York’s model of banning firearms should be used in other states."  Much like one of my (former) friends who is not even a citizen of the United States - if you don't live here, you don't get a say in what we do; it's none of your business and it is arrogant to think your opinion matters. End of rant.

So now this is my profile picture. Our friend/realtor wore her hair in a side ponytail for an event and I never thought it would look cute on me, but I think it kinda does.

Thursday I'm going to meet my cousin Jason for lunch. We were going to do dinner, but I really don't want to drive the truck in the dark especially with the temps as low as they've been. Most of the trip would be a non-issue, but about 10 miles out there is a steep ascent/descent where the temp seems to drop by about ten degrees as you approach the top of the mountain. Call me chickenshit - I don't care, but I have enjoyed the past three weeks with a relative absence of bad luck and I don't want to tempt fate.

Tonight it's going to get down to 23 degrees. I wish I could say it was going to warm up as the week progresses, but it stays about the same except for the rain they forecast for Friday. It's usually in the low 40's during the day. At least the wind isn't blowing tonight; sometimes it sounds like Gremlins are jumping on my roof, plus it lowers the effective temperature. Surprisingly it's not too bad in here, the furnace comes on more often, but it's not much more chilly than any house I've lived in, and with blanket on the bed at night it's comfy.

Oh, and I had to laugh. Yesterday was OFFICIALLY the most depressing day of the year. Some scientist claims it's because of wintertime, post-holidays, yada-yada. I submit that it coincided with inauguration day.

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