So... we're still here in Houston. I guess it's been about two months now and I've given up trying to nail down a departure date. We've been going out to eat a lot lately because I didn't want to commit to another week of groceries, but I give up and I am cooking again. It's cheaper, and my gut doesn't react as much. I'm honestly tired of dealing with my gut and feet that hurt every time I stand up, but that's a story for another day.
As for the rest of the saga, we have come up with a plan... another iteration of a similar plan, but one that is feasible for us. And this is one we're going to stick to if everything falls into place.
Us starting a business is on hold until such time as our finances have improved. When we started researching and writing the business plan it seemed feasible, but the last four months have undone all that. Now we have some catching up to do, and while I'm hopeful about that, the liquid capital we would have had is no longer there... the land deal fell through, the tax refund is being used to keep us afloat, and the proceeds from the sale of my house are not going to be enough to get us anywhere businesswise. We had a tidy sum, and now we don't. That's life as far as I can tell.
What the proceeds from the sale of my house will do, however, is make a nice downpayment on another house.
We spend $625 in storage fees every month. It's wasted money, and it costs us even more because we keep reinventing the wheel... buying things we already have but can't get to. Those bills were going on the credit card, *but* I was paying a percentage of the balance *plus* $625 each month... so in that respect it is in the budget as long as we have enough money coming in.
There is a house we looked at several months ago, but I felt it was overpriced at the time. It is smaller than my previous home, but it has an unfinished basement that could add to the square footage if we feel the need to expand someday. What it has that my other house didn't have, is a country setting and 24 acres. And it is nicely appointed. Yes there are things I want to change, but I can do simple upgrades and actually look forward to that kind of thing. My favorite aspect of the house is that it, like my other home, is filled with light. I cannot stand a dark house. Some houses are dark because people close all the doors or put up curtains... I don't like closed doors and drawn curtains except at night... but some houses, by their very nature, are dark. You know what I mean? Even with plenty of windows, something manages to suck the light out.
Anyway, they have come off the price quite a bit, and I am now interested in buying it. We will have 20% down, and it looks like Mike is going to have a job soon, so I feel good about moving forward with an offer. The only hitch is that there is no way a bank is going to lend us money. We still have the same issues we've always had... all the debt is in my name because Mike's credit is bad, so I'm maxed out - and I don't have a job. So the whole thing hinges on the owners being willing to do a rent to own or owner finance. With a rent to own we can keep my money in the bank until we refinance, or if they can owner finance we put the money down and pay them for a couple of years before we refinance. I'd rather do owner finance, but I don't know if they own the house outright to be able to do that. Plus the deed goes into our name right then.
In any case, I'm tired of not having an answer when people ask where we live, trying to figure out which address I gave to whom. I'm tired of living out of a big suitcase (RV), I'm tired of not being able to get to my stuff. And I want a garden something fierce. And a pantry. And the Samsung refrigerator I found online last night. And an upright freezer. I want to be able to purchase in bulk, and "shop" out of my own supplies for a month or so... what do I want for dinner tonight? Pasta. And just go grab a package of hamburger meat from the freezer, make some noodles with my hand crank pasta roller from the eggs I froze and the flour I bought in bulk, pick some tomatoes and basil from the garden, and get an onion from the pantry. And if I make enough sauce, I want to be able to can it in my pressure canner for another day when I'm feeling less frisky. I want to be able to build some of those neat food storage boxes I saw online with the potatoes under the apples to keep the potatoes from sprouting and the apples fresh. I have a million and one things to do and I am ready to get started.
Also, once we are settled, I can begin to look for a job in the area instead of trying to guess where we might be or go somewhere that we don't have any interest in. I think I have a decent chance of finding something. I may not get something I want immediately, but even something part-time would be good until I can find something. Or I may get lucky and find the perfect job right out of the gate... although, as a condition of receiving unemployment, I have been looking... and there ain't much out there that I can tell.
Anyway, having a plan makes us both feel better, and we are both excited about the possibility of the house... brimming with ideas... immediate things and eventual things. And I'm sure Gracie will also like settling down. She actually let Christi pet her a couple of days ago and no longer runs when people come into the room. She is still easily spooked but she has come a long way.
Well... that's all for tonight. Tomorrow is another day... and your guess is as good as mine.
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