Sunday, August 5, 2012

0063 - Early Sunday Morning

Remember how I talked to the lady in the office about the sirens, and I was only supposed to be concerned if I heard the five short bursts? Well, guess what happened at 4 am? If you guessed that we were awakened by five short bursts of the siren, you win the prize. It's more than a bit disconcerting to wake up that way, especially when it's pitch black out because you're basically blind. Then it occurred to me that if there was a tornado out there... there is nowhere to go. Most of the parks we've stayed in have bathroom and/or laundry facilities, so that's where people would go. This one doesn't have those things available. There is a maintenance building close by, but it is locked. The fire station is fairly close, I don't know if it's open or not. There is a community hall, and during the day the back door is open... it would take a couple of minutes to run to it, and it's probably locked after dark.

All in all, we still don't know why it went off. I looked out the windows... of course I saw nothing... I looked at the weather info on my phone... nothing... turned on the tv and found a weather station... nothing. So eventually we managed to fall asleep again.

The whole night I slept sporadically. I remember a couple of different episodes of Psych, a show I've never seen before but is so fun to watch. Then there was a Keanu Reeves movie where he was fighting demons... the most interesting thing about that was a new Puscifer song, or if not Puscifer, something by Maynard from Tool. Then there was an infomercial for something, and at that point I turned the tv off.

So about an hour and a half after the siren went off, it was time for Mike to get up. I told myself when we started this journey that I was going to get up in the mornings to see him off... cook breakfast, pack snacks, make a lunch, what have you. I haven't been doing that. Instead I stay in bed, and he comes and kisses me goodbye on his way out. This morning I decided to get up and see him off. It is nice to just have little moments together, and something as simple as putting snacks into containers is quality time that I enjoy.

I made good on the promise I made to myself yesterday - I walked to the front of the park and started making my way down the road to see if there was anything picture worthy out there. About that time it started to rain. Unbelievable. Every damn day. So I turned around and noticed that it wasn't raining in the park yet. I scouted out a few places to take cover should that situation change, and decided to soldier on. I hadn't explored the golf course so I went down one of the paths... nothing interesting there. I hadn't explored the woods behind us, so I went back that way. There was a large hawk that swooped down and flew pretty close to me but my camera wasn't ready... so no pictures of that... I hate all the great shots I've missed by a millisecond. Also saw a raccoon peeking out from the corner of the maintenance building, but didn't get a picture of that either.

This is all I got:

Rain clouds... every day they blanket the sky.

Interesting side road I didn't get to explore.

More twisty roots.

Giant beehive in the woods behind us. I didn't hear any buzzing so I figured it was safe to take my time. This thing is probably as big as a human torso.

Cool old tree.

This just looked cool... like cotton almost.

Sunset on the lake.

They've started cleaning up the garden a bit. Not that you can tell from this picture... this is just a pretty plant.

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