Drove to Alabama to retrieve the hubs on Thursday. My intention was to drive down, get him, and come back home that evening. I thought it would be a 4-1/2 hour trip... but the rain, the traffic and my GPS conspired against me and I didn't arrive until almost 7 pm. So we stayed the night and left at 6 am. Imagine my joy. <--- not a morning person but I wanted to get home at a reasonable time
Friday evening I attempted to make fajitas that taste like Lupe Tortilla. Fail. But the cherry margaritas were amazing.
Saturday we made the trip to Glasgow, KY to get the truck. The a/c works again... who knows for how long... but the transmission is still a mystery. Since we were nearby, we went to Chuy's for lunch and then to Home Depot because Mike needed a ladder, then an hour and a half later we were home again. The guys tarred around the chimney a few weeks ago but there was still a small leak, so Mike got on the roof and sealed it himself. We need to clean the gutters out soon but I'm not getting on the ladder when I'm here by myself so it will have to wait. For dinner I used up the last of the duck and made a Tyler's Ultimate recipe that was delicious. I'd always heard that duck was fatty and some people don't like it... it does have a large fat cap on it, but you fry it and it becomes crispy like bacon, and the grease ends up in the pan. I rather like it, and it's one of Mike's favorites.
Today was just one of those days... Mike had to go back to Alabama to get Jason so they can head to Tampa tomorrow for vendor-provided training. So much for never going back to Florida, hahaha. So yeah, Mike's gone, the blogging resumes, and I find projects to do so that I don't sit around being glum.
We have woodpeckers! Two of them. And they like some of our trees and power lines.
This is a much better picture... that I didn't take... just wanted to show the type of woodpeckers we have. They're pretty good sized birds and have a distinctive call. But no, they don't have an annoying laugh like the little cartoon guy.
And this is what I did today. I put hardware on the cabinets. Mike got me a jig so it was as simple as marking the holes, drilling, and screwing them in.
I plan to paint the cabinets at some point but I'm waiting for things to get back on track, and also trying to decide which way I want to go with them. Part of me says dark like espresso... another idea is sort of an antique ivory... and the sort of crazy idea, and the one I find myself considering the most... is this...
It would match the countertops and I like it. It's different but not DIFFERENT.
So... I need longer screws in order to attach the hardware to the drawers, but I figured while I was at it I would go ahead and drill the holes... saves time and cleaning up another mess. I also ran out of handles, because I did the bathroom too... so I had to order some more and my project is on hold until they arrive; it's not worth the 45 minute drive to Cookeville when I can get free shipping.
We have a lurker. I can't believe how long the legs are on the daddy long-legs out here! All told this guy is probably four inches across. He was hiding in one of my kitchen brushes the other day, then he migrated to the window - which must have been frustrating for him because when the kitchen light is on at night it draws a ton of bugs... but they're on the other side of the window. Makes me laugh even though I know it's mean to laugh. Anyway, now he's hanging out on the ceiling. I like knowing where he is so he doesn't surprise me... I know they don't bite but they're still spiders, which makes them creepy.
And look what I found!!! I was in the basement looking for the keys to the motorcycle, and I noticed a box that looked interesting. I started digging around... how could I have forgotten about one of my favorite lamps??? It's so pretty and I love the glow it casts in the evening. Looks so pretty on the Hooker.
So now I'm watching tv and balancing the checkbook. We *may* have an offer pending on the house. There was a couple who liked everything but the floor, so my realtor told their realtor to submit an offer taking the floor into consideration. If not, I am now offering a $1,000 flooring incentive... it seems that people get hung up on the floor, forgetting that it can be replaced or negotiated... or hey - if you put furniture and area rugs down, there's FAR LESS TILE VISIBLE THAN IN AN EMPTY HOUSE... imagination people - use it! But people don't... so I figure if I offer the incentive, I don't have to drop the price (not outright, which would probably drop it by $2,500 instead of a grand) AND I'm giving people the idea... planting the thought in their heads... that the flooring... CAN BE CHANGED! What a concept. *head smack*
Tomorrow is lawn day. Maybe tomorrow and the next day... really depends on whether or not it rains again and/or how hot it is out there. Since I was able to mow last week and cut it considerably lower than it was, I'm hoping it won't take quite as long the second time around... that I can just push and go without having to go slower because of the height. And then I may start to tackle the basement... I hate the idea... loathe it... but it needs to be done... and I know that if Mike is in class all day I'm going to get bored, because not only will we not be talking intermittently throughout the day, but there will be no TCA work to keep me occupied.
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