Not much happening around the 'ol homestead. I finished all the mowing and there is no TCA work to do at them moment so I started working on my own website. Only one pic. Of a ladybug.
And maybe one more, of my quesadilla. Because it's food blog worthy, and I love my griddle.
I've been interested in essential oils for a while now, and I've acquired a few bottles over the last couple of years. I am not a fan of MLM and I don't like selling to people, but I figure there are a lot more people like me out there who are already going to buy it anyway, so why not buy through me?
I guess I'm excited because there are more and more uses for essential oils these days. You can use them instead of burning candles (no, I'm not going to stop burning candles, but you can't burn them all day) or using air fresheners made from chemicals. You can apply them topically to fight infection, or in massage oil. You can ingest some of them, such as a drop or two of lemon oil in a glass of water, which alkalizes your body and fights disease. And one of my favorites - pest control. You can add EO's to coconut oil to use topically when you're outdoors and it works! I mowed the lawn and none of those flying bastards touched me, I just used 5 drops of lemongrass and 5 drops of lavender in about 1/4 cup of coconut oil. And if you use lavender oil and water as a spray you can repel fleas and mosquitos. I could go on, and will, but I'll space it out. :)
doTerra seems to be one of the highest quality oils on the market and the sign up fee is pretty low, so I'm not losing much if this doesn't work out. I polled some of my friends and there is some interest there, but beyond that I figure if I can create a website that has interesting content, not just a sales pitch for doTerra, maybe I can keep people coming back and it will be passed along to others. So that's what I'm working on now. I'm trying to get the structure set up now. I was going to have a blog page and then other tabs, but it seems to make more sense to treat almost all the pages as blogs. That doesn't matter to anyone but me, I'm just thinking out loud.
Anyway, the site is
Weebly again, I love it, it's brilliant and best of all it's free. Any time I have a question, they have an answer and it astounds me how well thought out it is. The only thing I don't like is that so far, I haven't found a subscribe by email option. But maybe it's there. Doesn't matter, it's still one of my favorite finds of all time.
Okay, so in true Weebly fashion... there IS an answer for that and I am adding email subscriptions now. :) I should have known.