Saturday, May 31, 2014

281 - Home Again, Home Again, Jig-a-Jig-Jig

Mike should be home tomorrow. Not sure which path we'll take after that... three options on the table that we need to discuss. Seems like he's been gone forever. We'll have to reconfigure the sleeping arrangements so all of us fit in the bed...

In the meantime we have been keeping ourselves busy here at the 'ol homestead.

Managed to pull the curtains down. Twice... so Mike's going to have to fix that when he gets home, and I may have to hem them as well. Despite my soft speaking voice, I apparently engage my diaphragm when I am angry and I project my voice in a manner sufficient to send two dogs tearing ass into the mancave to lay quietly on the sofa while I calm down. I don't lay a hand on them, don't intend to, and I don't like to yell either, but I have my limits.

After the melee there is consternation.

And angst.

Pretty yellow bird. I will need to refill the feeder soon or Cardinal Richelieu and his lady friend will chastise me.

Some of us were digging for moles in the yard...

They're very spirited when they dig, and work as a team.

This used to be ropey (which used to be a duck... ropey evolves).

Now it's a shredded pile of orange fiber, but they still play with it. I wish I could be so content chewing on rope.

At night they sometimes aren't quite ready to sleep, but if I give them ropey, they will quietly chew on it until they are ready to close their eyes. It's magic. For the most part, they seem to understand that when they come to bed, it's quiet time... they can still "play," but qui-et-ly. And ever since Daisy came home, Bo sleeps through the night, no 3 am potty breaks. And instead of 6:30 am, we usually wake up to go first potty at 7:30 or even (on days I love most) 8:30.

Comfy and tired.

This one still likes to sleep next to me on the couch.

Daisy will sleep on the couch too, but Bo usually gets there first. I think it's because he likes to kick me in his sleep. If there's (what she considers to be) enough room, she'll walk onto the couch and lay across my lap. Sometimes Bo will stay, sometimes he will huff and hop down to sleep on his pillow by the window. She's kind of a force of nature... she'll lay next to you, on you, put her head by your head on the pillow, she's very uninhibited that way.

When Bo finishes his rawhide first, he becomes very interested in Daisy's rawhide. It's much the same as when he becomes interested in my hamburger. This is the stare down.

This is the 'I'm so cute, don't you want to give me that rawhide?' pose.

And this is the 'See how far I can get without her biting my nose' maneuver.

She's very patient. But he ain't gettin' that rawhide.

Typically, any time I so much as appear to be about to get up, Bo hops up and goes to the door or his pillow. If I go to the kitchen he's right behind me. Oddly enough, if I am filling his bowl he will patiently lay on the mancave couch and wait for me to walk by so he can get in position by his bowl. If I'm making human food he's just a pest... Anywhere else, he may or may not go.

Daisy will follow me pretty much anywhere I go. In the kitchen she'll trail me for a little while but then she flops down onto the floor and lays quietly while I do what I need to do. If I go to the bathroom she's there. If I go to the bedroom, she's there. The only place she hasn't followed me is to the basement, though she stands at the door until I come back, and if I take too long she'll whine. She's a very sweet girl. She also has a protective instinct. She barks at people and her hackles go up a little until she knows I'm happy to see them, then she's friendly. One night I was in the bathroom when Bo took off, went to the living room and started barking. One barks and the other one barks for moral support whether they know what they're barking at or not, so she ran in there too, but then she came back and sat between me and the bathroom door to bark. It makes me feel safer, not that I feel unsafe, but I would definitely have warning should anyone intend to do me harm, and they would probably have to deal with Daisy first.

Poor Mike... even he is going to have to ring the doorbell so I can get the dogs leashed before he comes into the house for the first time...