Saturday, October 19, 2013

204 - Get Wild Saturday

Hard to see, but the doe and baby are back, and they brought dad with him (he's far left, they're more to the right). Not easy to take a picture at dusk so this is the best I could do.

Mom ad baby.

Dad. He must be drunk because he's fuzzy.

Bo the flirt. He got soooooooooo many compliments yesterday from people at the vet's office. And I have to admit, he was very well behaved. I had to explain that not everyone is a Bo-person... he has Bo-people at home and other people might pay attention to him, but not everyone will.

We want treats.

Give us treats.

Yes precious.... treatses...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

203 - Fall

Starting to really look and feel like fall. And as a brief reminder, clicking on the pics makes them larger and more interesting. And no, that's not a Halloween trick where you click on something and a loud noise and creepy looking woman flashes on your screen... been there, done that. I'm about 78% always ready for that, but 99% ready when Halloween is looming. So seriously, the pics are cooler when you can see the details.

It didn't rain, but I love the dark grey of the sky when the sun shines and everything pops

This is a mystery... fairy beads? Drops of water clinging to a web? Alien eggs? It was kind of pretty, if not a bit disturbing. Just water... floating in the air... like that's supposed to happen...

Little daisies in the weeds. There's always something pretty if you look for it.

Even the crappy trailer next door can look rustic...

Not sure what this is, be we have a bunch of it.

I'm ambivalent about the electrical easement, but the trees that line it, and the shape of the land is gorgeous and I find myself looking at it quite often. At some point we're going to select cut the land behind us and I bet the land is going to be gorgeous and rolling.


Bo prancing in the leaves.

RIP Duckie. I now know why 'stuffing-free' is so appealing.

202 - Walter the Amazing Kresken

Nap time. I wish I could take a nap...

So last night Walter and Bootsie were in the basement as usual. Walter wouldn't stop meowing. Usually that happens at the basement door and stays at the basement door, the window unit drowns it out and I go to sleep. All is well in the household.

Last night it moved to the bedroom and got louder. Then the vent cover started to rattle. Walter figured out where we were and managed to climb up. I figured if he wanted in that badly I would let him in... It was cute right? Walter wanted his mommy... but then the kneading and the constant need to be in my face reminded me why I put him in the basement for the night. I guess I will have to feed them just before I go to bed from now on, but it made eating dinner easier if we all ate at the same time...

In any case, today they should be hooking the ductwork up and that won't happen again. :) I can't wait.

A rare Gracie sighting, with the offending vent in the background.

The basement below...

Ducts! Not to be confused with ducks or "duck!".

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

201 - Fall is coming!

The guys are here installing the vents for the heat pump. Just in the nick of time, it's getting chilly around these parts, not bad, but the temperature is dropping. And it's a good thing that I mowed yesterday because it has rained off and on all day.

I had forgotten how messy construction is... the sawdust isn't as bad as the tile dust from the bathroom, but it certainly does get everywhere. Everything was coated so I had to wipe and wash... if it had been covered I wouldn't have had to deal with it as much. Lesson learned... they have one more hole to cut today, for the return and tomorrow they start wiring. *squee* Maybe Friday I'll have heat or a/c or whatever I need on any given day!

What a mess our goverment is... but that's been beaten to death, so here is some nice foliage

Since it's getting cool out, and our baby boy has little fur (or meat at the moment) to keep him warm, we bought him some outfits this weekend. Today Bo models his camo sweater...

What a dashing figure he cuts in his bark-a-tude knit sweater with convenient arm cutouts...

Bo's version of blue steel... (Derek Zoolander reference)

He tried to chew on it shortly after I snapped this series of pics, but seems to have adjusted to wearing it... or has merely given up... and is now in his typical Bo-ball for his pre-bedtime nap. Bootsie and Walter are following suit, albeit sans clothing. So it's just me awake in the house... watching CSPAN. And then once I think the 'rush' has died down I'll head to the store for groceries while I'm able. It's hard to do things when you have people in the house all day.

Also, you can catch up on the cuteness that is Bo, Walter, Bootsie and sometimes Gracie... here: