Saturday, December 28, 2013

228 - More of the Same

The last three days I have been going through music files and removing duplicates and empty folders. It's tedious, but I have already cleared up 134 GB of hard drive space. It's a project I've attempted to tackle for several years now... to be able to actually see my music files and find what I'm looking for feels like a huge accomplishment. Right now I'm doing a last check for duplicates before uploading everything to my iTunes folder so I can start rating it and removing the ones I don't listen to. I'll keep them in case someday I have a change of heart but they go to an external hard drive where they aren't in the way.

Today Bo and I took a walk to the creek. It's flowing pretty nicely. Bo actually waded in and sniffed around, as evidenced by this dirty paw:

My second pendant arrived today. It's more dainty than the first, weighs a lot less too. I've decided to wear this one around my neck and hang the other in our bedroom. I still haven't scattered the ashes because I was waiting on this to arrive... and now I am procrastinating because I'm still not ready to let go. But I think I'll do it soon.

So other than that, it's just business as usual around here. I bought some Murphy's Oil Soap and either today or tomorrow I'm going to mop. The floors are looking a little dry and I don't know if it's because of all the Swiffering we did after Bo's accidents or if it's because of winter and the heater.... maybe a combo. In any case, it's time to clean and maintain. And, I might add (hopefully not to jinx it all), Bo hasn't pee'd or pooped in the house in almost a month, which is a very, very good thing.

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