Sunday, April 13, 2014

271 - Part B

Stop this thing, I wanna get off!!!

I couldn't stop... I got the idea to create a flowerbed around the bushes. The rocks are free, got 'em out of the ditch.

I was going to stop there.

But there is a thunderstorm tonight, and since I didn't remove the sod (started to but it was too much work) I decided to put down newspaper to kill the grass and just put dirt over the newspaper. The water from the storm will help increase the density of the newspaper, and then over time it will smother the grass but the newspaper will eventually break down.

So I finished it to that point. Maybe next weekend or so I'll toss some flower seeds in there and see what grows. The point is not to have to dig...

It didn't cost me anything since I've had the plants and dirt since before winter, the rocks were free, and the shrub in the middle? I dug it out of the ditch.

I still have two more to plant, I think those will go in front of the house, and the berry vines I got at Walmart (half price!) are in pots temporarily, so they'll have to be put into the ground. Also, I noticed my hydrangeas are coming back - I'm so glad I didn't throw them away because I honestly thought they were dead. They'll go in front of the house, too.

This guy is a bird I haven't seen before. He looks like a miniature horned owl cross with a hawk. I don't know what he is, but he's cute.

Getting the layout right...


Tonight's moon

I should sleep pretty well tonight...

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