Thursday, June 28, 2012

0032 - It burns.

Our building was dropped off today. The driver has a thankless job... not only does he drive the truck, navigating whatever the local area throws at him, but he also helps unload the materials. If we had a forklift it would have been easy peasy.

We did not have a forklift.

The three of us unloaded it piece by piece. In the blistering sun. Unfortunately there was some rational reason he presented at the time which meant we had to unload it on the side of the truck that was furthest from the spot Mark wanted us to actually store it. So we had to move everything we unloaded from one spot to the other. We did about half of it (we being mostly Mike) and will have to return tomorrow to finish up. Mike is sore, I'm red, I have a feeling that neither of us is going to sleep comfortably tonight.

That took up most of our day.

We had a good breakfast while we waited for the driver to show up. We're slowly but surely finding more restaurants to choose from. I would like to cook more, but sometimes it's too far to return home. I still want to try Clippers... food, hair and fun. :)

We had lunch at the local pizza place - finally a meal that made me happy. I would have preferred fresh, over canned, mushrooms, but overall it tasted good. After we finished up, our realtors/friends came in for lunch so we stayed while they ate. We learned a lot about the local real estate. Mike had just called about the property we're interested in, and they had some good suggestions for us to look into. They're good people and we're lucky to have been referred to them by the nice lady at H&H.

It's nice to have a somewhat slower pace to life, not feeling so rushed all the time. Although... I do feel rushed in some respects... but what I mean is, I'm free to actually spend time with people and have conversations instead of attempting to fit it all into a lunch hour.

I guess today is Thursday... I'm losing track of the days. Oh well.


  1. The tarp on the driver's trailer "unrolls" to the right... must be a Canadian thing (he's from Ontario). But where we needed to unload it was on the right, so we had to unload on the left, let him leave, then carry each piece of that 1500+ pounds of metal to its resting place (and stack in neatly).

    Also, we are extremely lucky to have Hannah and Bombdog too. They are like gold. So far, Mark Pryor, H&H Lumber, Mr Jack, and the Horseman's have been PURE gold. Not gonna give up yet or easy. This will work or I will burn it all down.

  2. I am very much enjoying your chronicles of your travels to your new homestead. Thanks for the good read - this is such an amazing, brave thing you two are doing... I think it's awesome. I wish I was courageous enough to do the same. I wish you all the best.... till next time :)


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