Friday, July 20, 2012

0051 - Grow up, will ya?

What is it with grown people acting like children lately? I'm not even going to go into it, it's just experiences I've had and things I've seen. Really juvenile stuff, it's pathetic. Stop it and grow up. Life can be a lot less complicated than you make it.

Last night there was a thunderstorm. It was really nice - it hasn't been long since it rained, but it has been a long time since I've gotten to sit through a thunderstorm. First there was a lot of wind that blew leaves past the window... sounded like it was raining, but I didn't hear any drops on the roof. I opened the windows and let the breeze cool the room, and I listened to the pitter patter of the rain drops on the roof of the 5'er while I read and had a glass of muscadine wine. My new routine seems to be that about nine or ten I head to the bedroom with a glass of wine to read for an hour or two. That also gives Mike time to play PS3 games or watch something I'm not interested in, too.

I lit a couple of candles since the last storm knocked the electricity out, and after my eyes got tired, I put the book away, turned the light out and just relaxed. Gracie jumped up on the bed and settled in next to me. It was very relaxing, and it reminds me that I used to do that kind of thing on a regular basis... unplug, light a candle, relax. Relaxing is something I don't make time for anymore. I realized that I should.

I don't know why, but every once in a while I crave stupid horror movies. Most of the time I don't watch them all the way through, either they're too graphically violent for me (hooks, axes, intestines), or so stupid I can't take it anymore. Today's movie will probably get changed for the latter... Grizzly Park. Seems like Chiller is more violent than SyFy... I'm taking my chances, hahaha.

Tonight is date night. We're staying in and having baked potatoes, trying to clean out the fridge a little before we depart. Big thrills in the ole' household tonight!

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