Monday, September 23, 2013

195 - Sloth

Today I just wasn't motivated to do much. I made a couple of halfhearted attempts and did accomplish a little bit, but mostly I was a sloth. Guess I needed a day to rest after the whirlwind of the day before.

So I sit here with a groaning puppy curled beside me and a kitten entertaining himself in a box filled with packing materials and hopefully wearing himself out, pondering tomorrow. I have a slew of things I want to accomplish, so hopefully my motivation will return and I'll exceed even that.

I may never leave the house again. We say everything is bigger in Texas, but obviously whoever said that has not seen the insects I've seen in the last couple of days. It's like The Land of the Lost out there when the sun goes down!

This is a HUGE SPIDER that was too close to the door tonight. Spiders should not be this big. Ever. And if they are, they should live on another continent. I sprayed it with wasp spray and he clambered onto the roof, probably positioning himself to spring on my head the next time I walk out the door. He is apparently a spiny orb weaver, kin to (but not nearly as cute and non-threatening as) the spiny backed orb weavers I used to think were cute at my last house. If we never meet again it will be too soon.

This is the cicada killer that was buzzing around the deck the other night. He found the front porch light this evening. I have read that unless you handle them roughly (handle them? who the hell would???) or step on them, they don't sting. GOOD. Because they are two finger joints big and could probably inflict a world of hurt if they did!

This was just a cool visual effect. I moved Bo's food and water out of his kennel where I can see when he's out of food, not just figure it out when he starts following me around. To clarify, he has been getting fed, but could probably eat more often... trying to put weight on him so I want him to eat as often as possible. Anyway, I put a carafe of water on the shelf because he drinks a lot of water and it's tiresome having to take the bowl to the sink. So... I present to you, 'Gargoyle Behind Water'. ;)

Bo in a little ball.

He gets unimaginably compact when he sleeps. Otherwise he's tall and lanky and not very graceful, but he is also sweet and snuggly with soulful eyes. Smells like Fritos until he gets a bath. Definitely kept me warm last night. As did Walter, although his footprint is much smaller. Bo's paws are huge. Walter's ears are huge. I think Walter is probably Maine Coon so he'll rival Gracie in size. He's so stubborn... I can't wait to neuter him so he'll calm down. He is obsessed with my necklace, he pounces on it every single time he sees it... which would be funny if his claws weren't so sharp.

He and Bootsie were trying to play with each other through the window this morning. Thought about putting them both in the basement and letting them get it out of their system... a reprieve for me, a reprieve for Gracie... Bo is the only one that seems to enjoy the spastic jumping ball of fur and claws. Bo and Walter play quite a bit, but Bo forgets he's big and clumsy sometimes, so inevitably Walter gets 'hurt' or scared and lets out a little yelp. Just glad they get along. Gracie is still standoffish. I think when they both calm down a little bit she'll come around. She tolerates Walter until he attacks her (to play), Bo still angers her but she did stick around a little longer this time.

Called the fence guy and left a voicemail this morning. We probably can't get a fence for 2-3 months but knowing how much it will cost will help determine that. And the willingness of the fence guy to work in the winter.

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