Saturday, February 1, 2014

247 - Good Day

I didn't sleep much last night, my throat was bothering me and the air in the house is pretty dry, which I think makes it worse. So I'm a little foggy...

Because we need two vehicles, and the fate of the truck we have is uncertain, we got up hellishly early this morning to go look at a truck we could pay cash for. Truck number three for me; Mike went and looked at a couple without me. They've all been about two hours away and that gets tiring, though we have seen some interesting stuff and the drives are pleasant in and of themselves. Anyway, we liked this one, but we had a small budget, so after the test drive, the negotiations began. In the end, the guy came off the price enough that we felt it was worth it and truck number three (for me) became our lucky number. Mike was outside picking it apart all afternoon, hahaha - he has a project, which is cool. It runs fine but it's 23 years old and needs to be cleaned up, and Mike is something of a perfectionist.

As we drove home, the sun was shining and I felt... good. Not physically, but mentally. I realized it's been awhile since I've felt this way. I actually came home and did some chores. They hadn't been done partly because I wasn't feeling well, but also because I just didn't feel like doing anything. The house feels so much better without the clutter of laundry and full trashcans.

I have started promoting my business, left some business cards at a local restaurant. Just need customers. I have faith that they will come. And I am in negotiations with a film producer to edit some of his proposals. It's not much, 2-3 pages a month, but it's my foot in the door to maybe sidelining as a professional editor. I have a couple of other things in the works, my goal this year is "multiple revenue streams."

Mike also has a couple of irons in the fire, one which looks promising. We should know soon, and if it comes to fruition he would be starting soon. I don't want to go into detail because that always seems to jinx things.

In the meantime we have come up with some low-cost projects around the house. A way for me to have a pantry and something of a start on the kitchen remodel. We only need a little lumber, and we're going to temporarily use the dining room table as a countertop/table. It'll make more sense when it's done. And I want to put chain link around the patio so that we can let the cats out and give Bo another place to stay besides the basement. It'll be less expensive than fencing part of the yard but it's something that we need. Storage and organization is the basic goal... maximizing the usefulness of the space we have since we won't have any more for a while.

Anyway, pictures. Mostly Bo. Go figure.

Bo picking up the leash to let me know that I should follow.

The side of the house.

More leading, but impatient.

The truck. Another Dodge, but old school, with parts Mike can doodle with.

One of my new favorite pictures of Bo. This is his alert face.


1 comment:

  1. Looks like y'all are livin' the dream. I hope everything works out well for you....


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