Tuesday, July 10, 2012

0042 - Today's Adventure

It rained last night! A hard rain! And it's been dark and drizzly all day today.

We have decided we need to start being more active, so we walked across the bridge and down a trail, all told it was probably about a mile roundtrip. Along the way we took pictures of things that caught our eye.

If you click the pictures they get bigger. I know this makes Stacy happy. :)

Mike took this one. There are these HUGE ants everywhere around here... just flicked one off my recliner a minute ago, I wouldn't want to get bitten by one that's for sure. Anyway, he does a lot of cool textural pics, and I call this one Ant on a Log. I amuse myself so.

I took these two because these little lacy flowers intrigue me. When the flowers die, the stems all close up and look like a little basket.

I like taking pics where the water is framed by interesting tree limbs. I took several of the mountainous area behind the lake, but there's nothing to show the scale and it all gets lost... just doesn't translate well on camera because I can't get a wide enough angle to do it justice.

I thought this driftwood was interesting.

Mike's pic. I love the single rain drop near the bottom of the leaf.

Mike again, just cool texture and color.

Mike. Neat flowers.

Me. I thought the white fencing behind it helped the colors pop.

Mike. I LOVE this photo, how the wood disappears into the water, the color. It's amazing.

Me. Mimosa limbs and a butterfly on the lower right.

Mike. Moss on a tree.

Me. Love how this flower draped over the guardrail. Mike pointed the flowers out to me and then we kept finding them everywhere. Once I took the pic, the bee started flying around... I didn't know he was there until then. If I had *tried* to get him in the pic it wouldn't have worked... never does for me anyway.

The End.

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